
Kybella Treatment


What is KYBELLA?

KYBELLA is a prescription medicine used in adults to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), also called “double chin.”

The injection contains a naturally occurring molecule that eats away at fat. When injected properly, all other cells are left healthy and intact. Using Kybella for treatment on areas other than the double chin is not approved or recommended.

How does Kybella work?

Kybella® kills fat cells in moderate to severe cases in the submental area (under chin). Treatments can be given as often as one month apart, and as every patient is different, some need a couple treatments, others need several. Once the desired appearance has been reached, the patient should not require further treatments because the fat cells are destroyed so can no longer grow.


What To Expect

An injection session is a quick procedure that frequently takes less than an hour. It isn’t a surgery, so you won’t have to worry about recovery or downtime.

  • You can expect your best results after 2 to 3 sessions.
  • You can expect the effects of Kybella® to be lasting because the fat cells creating submental fullness that were targeted in the sessions were eliminated.

Multiple applications increase the efficacy of Kybella®, and so our Brilliant Distinctions® Points Program, helps you make the most out of your dollar. You’ll get points for every Kybella® session you have—as well as applications of Botox®, also available at The Breazeale Clinic. And once you join, we keep track of your Brilliant Distinctions points for you, and we let you know when you’ve earned enough to redeem your points for a service.

KYBELLA™ treatment resulted in high patient satisfaction

Many patients treated with KYBELLA™ experienced visible contouring of their chin profile in 2 to 4 treatments. Up to 6 treatments may be administered.

79% of patients treated with KYBELLA™ reported satisfaction with the appearance of their face and chin.

After being treated with KYBELLA™, patients reported improvement in self-perception, including feeling happier and younger, based on their chin profile, as well as feeling less embarrassed, less self-conscious, less overweight, and less bothered by submental fullness.

kybella agoura hills ca